SOLIDWORKS Visualize is a tool that allows you to leverage your SOLIDWORKS data to create photorealistic content which can then be used to get your products to market faster. Visualize enables the replacement of all CAD Materials with realistic materials, thereby achieving the above end result. This content can also be leveraged to create an immersive Virtual Reality experience as well.

Although SOLIDWORKS Visualize has been around for more than a few years, can we safely say that users are able to derive full value from its use? Is there a readily available tool that allows your Marketing Teams to leverage the true power of the data? These are some of the most commonly asked questions across the manufacturing industry, with the demand getting much more louder taking into account recent events. So is there a way for you to export your Visualize Sessions into an Extended Reality (XR) format and create a Virtual Showroom environment where you can invite your customers & prospects? A way to enable immersive visualization of your products using VR for your customer’s benefit? Well, turns out that with Exxar, we ended up doing just that, and a little more…


Virtual Showrooms provide a cost-effective way to reduce the need for physical customer experiences using following features that are not possible with the current digital sales processes:

  • Creating an Immersive 3D Virtual Showroom
  • importing latest product models directly from a secure cloud server
  • multi-user voice communication & interactions with the product in real-time
  • 1:1 scale immersive visualization using VR/AR/MR headsets or mobile phones

Coupled with our easy to use Interface, Exxar enables a truly unique and completely immersive Digital Customer Experience.


Here are the 3 steps that you need to do to get from SOLIDWORKS Visualize to a Virtual Showroom:

Step 1: Export your SOLIDWORKS model using the SOLIDWORKS Visualize

Step 2: Publish the zipped GLTF to the cloud

Step 3: Host a Virtual Showroom & invite customers

  • Launch Exxar
  • Login using your credentials. On VR, you can use the onscreen keyboard to perform the same operations.
  • Click on New meeting
  • Based on your login, you will see your unique meeting ID. You can choose a PIN number of your choice or leave the Random PIN generated by Exxar. This is very similar to the Zoom way of hosting/joining meetings.
  • Once in your cool interactive Virtual Showroom environment, you can select an environment of your choice

I really love the Farm background for my excavator model. Note that this model requires a decent graphics processing power so I recommend you to select this only if you have a dedicated nVidia GPU.

  • Select the Stream to see the data on your screen
  • The model appears inside the interactive 3D meeting environment in all its glory! Tada…
  • Share your meeting ID & PIN with your customers to join you in the Virtual Showroom

Inside the meeting, you can move around the scene and the product design showcasing the key highlights of your product using the various Virtual Showroom tools.

Note that we also support browser based collaboration interfaces as well. If you feel you would like to share a browser link that your customers can use to join your Virtual Showroom get it touch with us and we are sure we can help you out!!

Praveen Bhaniramka

3D & Immersive Visualization industry veteran, Author of multiple IEEE research papers, Technology consultant, Trainer & Speaker

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)