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Exxar Stream’s Model conversion ensures that entire geometry of the model is retained along with all component information, like, Metadata or Properties. There is ‘Zero’ Data loss. For more information Click here.
Yes! Exxar has an option to save reviews conducted on the jobsite as sessions. This will allow you to access your review sessions any time and see all the ‘issues’ that you would have observed using review features, like
Viewpoints – Which saves snapshots of key issues as navigable views
Annotations – Which can be used to add comments and pointers
Measurements – Which can be used to observe deviations in dimensions
Sequencing Tool – Which records the sequence of events that were followed during the review, sort of like a 3D Minutes of Meeting
Yes, the slider option allows you to make a digital model completely transparent and do comparisons between what’s on the field vs what’s in the model.
Load the BIM model, place a virtual QR code on a chosen architectural section which is already present at the jobsite, and Exxar converts it into a PDF document automatically
Download and email the QR code PDF to field teams, who can then accurately place it at the chosen point on the jobsite using a snapshot of the digital model section.
The digital model gets pretty much aligned with the actual one. However, you can expect some inaccuracies through physical deviations or the way the QR codes are placed and scanned.
Literally everywhere. You can place QR codes on the wall, floor, slab, or strategically at the corners of the building and the app automatically orients itself.
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