To realize the vision of the Industrial Metaverse, we need integrated virtual worlds. In this case, representing industrial infrastructure & assets. (You need other stuff as well, but I will save that for later.) Over the years, enterprises have made huge investments in data creation and acquisition. This includes 3D Modeling as well as Reality Capture during construction and turnarounds. Unfortunately, most of this investment is under-utilized. In quite a few cases, completely unutilized. Would it not make sense to bring it all together and transform business processes around it? Industrial leaders express various challenges that prevent this vision including: 

  • Use of proprietary formats and information silos for existing data.
  • Security concerns limiting data accessibility.
  • Lack of open standards and tools to transform, store & consume data.
  • Data simply does not exist.

Based on a recent survey that I conducted, the two biggest challenges in building Virtual Worlds for the Industrial Metaverse are as follows:


So, the two biggest challenges in building Virtual Worlds for the Industrial Metaverse are:

  • Use of proprietary formats and information silos for existing data.
  • Lack of open standards and tools to transform, store & consume data.

Which proprietary data formats and information silos would you would like to streamline and bring into the Industrial Metaverse? The most common formats that I encounter in our industry are Aveva & Hexagon tools. Any other formats that are critical for you? Are there open standards that are your favourite? I am personally a big fan of glTF, “the JPEG for the Metaverse“, as a data exchange format. Any others that folks are looking at?
I would love to hear your thoughts on the same. I would be happy to schedule a catch-up call with you. block a slot on my calendar for a 15 minute call.

Praveen Bhaniramka

3D & Immersive Visualization industry veteran, Author of multiple IEEE research papers, Technology consultant, Trainer & Speaker.

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(10am - 05 pm)