
Using CAD to VR for design reviews has become mainstream. This is owing to the inherent advantages that offers over desktop-based design reviews, which are in turn conducted on what is primarily a flat 2D screen. Immersive visualization of the 3D model and the ability to assess the design at a real scale are the primary reasons driving corporations to increasingly adopt VR for design reviews.

The ability to leverage existing 3D CAD models for review in VR has encouraged the adoption of VR to a great extent. However, the perils of using traditional VR software for viewing CAD data are many.

Data translation errors and loss of critical details during the transition from proprietary CAD to VR are some of the menaces that users have to deal with.

Pain Points with Data Translation

Before being able to view in VR, the 3D CAD model typically undergoes one to multiple conversions from its proprietary format. This is because most VR software are not capable of reading in CAD formats directly.


The common problems associated with traditional data translation for use in VR are:

  1. Data translation is a time consuming process which could easily run into hours.
  2. Data translations are inherently error prone and this could worsen with increase in product complexity.
  3. Wrong or undesirable orientation of the model in the target system is a common problem.
  4. Un-noticed data lost in translation is a potential risk.
  5. Compromise on intellectual property since translated models could still be reverse engineered.
  6. Changes to model cannot be instantly updated in VR since the translation cycle needs to be repeated for each change order.
  7. Review session needs to be planned well ahead in time and cannot be done on-the-fly or even at a short notice. This hampers the agility of product development.

The chart below depicts how time consumption, translation errors, and IP related risks form the bulk of problems faced during design reviews.

  1. Downstream applications that reply on the translated data for training simulations and maintenance procedures in VR could be rendered useless.
  2. Certain interferences which are critical to the operation and performance of the product could go undetected if accurate data is not available in VR during the design review. This could result in cost escalations due to rework.
  3. Fit-Form-Function assessment and ergonomic studies could lead to results that are imperfect, leading to customer dissatisfaction.

Why CAD to VR Streaming?
  1. Streaming CAD data to VR can impact your bottom line by as much as 63%.
  2. Eliminating data translation can increase your return on investment by a whopping 89%.

There’s a bigger impact of getting rid of data conversions on the design review process than you may think. Many factors may not necessarily be quantified, but the time to embrace modern developments in VR like CAD data streaming is – Now.

CAD to VR Streaming

Modern advances in CAD to VR transition such as streaming, lead by companies like Exxar have largely overcome the challenges associated with the CAD to VR data migration.

Streaming proprietary 3D data formats directly into the VR environment is a game changer in the industry. CAD data streaming is an innovative technique which circumvents the prevailing practice and avoids data loss. As a result, companies no longer have to compromise the effectiveness of design reviews.

The manifestation of continuous research in CAD data streaming is Exxar, a revolutionary VR product that has been built from the ground up for collaborative design reviews. Exxar streams your CAD data with a one-click action, seamlessly into the VR environment, without the fear of loss of details and without the need for any intermediate file format conversion.

Exxar CAD to VR Platform

Exxar offers:

  • 100% design validation between the original blueprint and actual production.
  • 73% gains in productivity due to seamless multi-party collaboration and interaction in real time centered on a real-scale virtual model of the ship.
  • 53% time savings when visualizing CAD models in a 1:1 scale with real time interactions like exchanging notes, measurements and annotations.
  • 95% savings in time by virtue of a unified experience across various departments of the organizations regardless of the CAD or the hardware platform used.
  • A modern software which is simple to use hence a zero learning curve.

Design reviews become a lot easier with Exxar as long waiting times for data translation are eliminated. You can finish CAD design reviews in a fraction of the time taken presently. Thus, Exxar not only shortens the time-to-market for your company, the resulting time and cost saving are unprecedented.


Avoiding data translation from CAD to VR altogether by streaming CAD data to the VR environment design reviews using state-of-the-art VR software like Exxar CAD from Exxar Inc allows effective use of CAD models leading to enormous savings in time, money and resources.


Mechanical Engineer with 23 yrs of experience, specializing in Design Automation, CAD Customization, AR/VR Product Development, and Channel Enablement

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