Ever felt the pain of having to rely on expensive physical prototypes for 1:1 scale visualisation? Or the struggle with communicating design intent to other stakeholders and perhaps your customers?
Extended Reality technologies bring the power of immersive visualisation and natural interaction to your SOLIDWORKS 3D CAD data. With these two aspects, SOLIDWORKS users benefit from the following use cases :
Design Review: Communicate your design changes quicker than ever with the power of immersive visualization.
Design Validation: Reduce the number of design iterations and use interactive tools for virtual prototyping of various aspects of your design.
Sales & Marketing: Tell a more visually immersive story during your sales pitches, bringing your product to life right before your customers’ eyes.
Training: Improve training engagement and cut down on training costs by bringing the classroom right to the student.
Why has SOLIDWORKS XR (VR/AR/MR) not taken off in a big way then??
Several challenges like handling native SOLIDWORKS data in the virtual environment, ensuring hardware compatibility, long hours spent on data preparation using multiple 3rd party translation tools and custom scripting, programming using game engines, has really discouraged SOLIDWORKS users from adopting VR.
Things have changed now!
SOLIDWORKS XR (VR/AR/MR) – What has really changed?
Exxar provides an enterprise SAAS based solution for your SOLIDWORKS VR requirements, without having to deal with any of the challenges listed above. The immersive collaboration platform helps you reduce time to market, save travel costs and minimize rework effort, through the power of Extended Reality. The key highlights of Exxar for SOLIDWORKS include:
Unique CAD to XR (VR/AR/MR) stream technology which instantly gets your native SOLIDWORKS data into your favourite XR device, just by launching the model in SOLIDWORKS
No need to export data to another application or spend countless hours on data preparation
Break down data silos and ensure organisation wide scalability with enterprise grade security through the power of cloud
Conduct collaborative meetings around your SOLIDWORKS data, on just about any XR device, just like a Zoom call, with personalised avatars representing each user
Best in class user experience with a zero learning curve
Can it get simpler than that?
Exxar users stand to benefit from the following:
89% faster design reviews with instant immersive visualisation with the revolutionary CAD data stream technology
91% reduction in the number of Engineering Change Requests (ECR) through a host of digital tools that help you validate design in the VR environment, with the ability to measure, annotate, break an assembly apart and validate human centric processes
47% savings in travel through the power of immersive collaboration
Higher conversion ratios using contextual backdrops and high-end visualisation environments to showcase and better engage with customers
Building real time, interactive training sequences for human operations without any programming or scripting
Experience Exxar at 3DExperience World
Keeping in line with last year’s SOLIDWORKS World 2019, this year’s 3DExperience World also features a dedicated XR Zone at 3DExperience World. This enhanced experiential space allows engineers, designers, entrepreneurs, and CAD and Visualization professionals test drive leading-edge innovations using the Exxar platform.
Book a slot with us to understand how your enterprise can leverage the power of Extended Reality using Exxar.
Mechanical Engineer with 23 yrs of experience, specializing in Design Automation, CAD Customization, AR/VR Product Development, and Channel Enablement
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