Safety in LNG Industry:

Here's How AR/VR is a Game Changer

Safety in the LNG (liquefied natural gas) industry is critical due to the complex and high-risk nature of handling and transporting this highly volatile substance. The LNG sector is vital in global energy markets, providing a cleaner alternative to fossil fuels. However, the inherent risks associated with LNG operations—ranging from extreme temperatures to high-pressure environments—demand rigorous safety protocols and continuous improvement.

As per the report of the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP), the number of fatal accidents has constantly increased over the past decade


Rising Safety Concerns: A Closer Look at the Numbers

The graph paints a stark picture of increasing accidents revealing a troubling trend that demands immediate attention. Starting at 52 fatal

The graph paints a stark picture of increasing accidents revealing a troubling trend that demands immediate attention. Starting at 52 fatal accidents in 2017, the line depicting these incidents climbs steadily, reaching a worrisome peak of 60 by 2024. 










                                                   Major Causes

Equipment Failure: 40% of accidents are attributed to equipment malfunctions, highlighting the need for robust maintenance and failure prevention strategies.

Human Error: 30% of incidents are due to human mistakes, indicating a significant area for improvement in training and operational procedures.

Process Safety Management Issues: 30% of accidents stem from failures in process safety management, pointing to the need for better hazard analysis and safety protocols


How AR/VR Can help

The increasing number of incidents highlights the urgent need for innovative solutions to enhance safety in the LNG industry. One promising approach is the adoption of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies. These tools offer transformative benefits that can significantly improve safety outcomes

  • Safer Training with AR/VR

VR training can reduce workplace incidents by up to 43% (PwC study).

Shell Implemented VR training for offshore personnel, resulting in a 30% reduction in training incidents and a 20% improvement in emergency response times. The proportion of accidents due to equipment failure decreased from 43% to 32%, and human error decreased from 28% to 27%
BP Used AR/VR simulations for complex scenarios, achieving a 50% reduction in training-related errors and a 40% improvement in emergency response accuracy.
  • Enhanced Training Effectiveness

VR training improves knowledge retention by 75% compared to traditional methods (Harvard Business Review)

  • Cost Effective solutions

VR training can cut training costs by up to 50% (IDC study)

Chevron: An MNC in Oil and Gas achieved a 40% reduction in training costs and a 30% decrease in operational disruptions with VR training

Using AR/VR technologies in the oil and gas industry, as reflected in the trend from 2018 to 2024, can contribute to a reduction in total accidents and specific types of incidents such as equipment failures and human errors. Companies that have adopted AR/VR, such as Shell, BP, and Chevron are seeing these positive results, confirming the effectiveness of these technologies in enhancing safety and operational efficiency. 

The industrial metaverse is poised to transform safety practices in the LNG industry and beyond. Dive into the world of Industrial transformation and empower safety.

Praveen Bhaniramka

3D & Immersive Visualization industry veteran, Author of multiple IEEE research papers, Technology consultant, Trainer & Speaker.

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