What’s the maximum file size Exxar can handle on an Oculus Quest?
Can Exxar load large models on the Hololens?
We get these questions a lot… and understandably so...
Can Exxar handle large BIM files?
What’s the maximum file size Exxar can handle on an Oculus Quest?
Can Exxar load large models on the Hololens?
We get these questions a lot… and understandably so...
Bottlenecks in adoption of VR/AR in Construction
Most real world construction projects involve massive BIM files, created using high-end workstations. Unfortunately, modern VR/AR gadgets like the Oculus Quest, Hololens and iPad have limited memory and computation power. Hence, most contemporary VR/AR apps cannot handle these large models. So you are forced to break your BIM model into smaller chunks that fit on the device!
This can be a time consuming and painful process requiring a tonne of back-and-forth experimentation to figure out a section of the model that actually works on the device. Unfortunately, since each XR device has different limitations, you need to repeat this process for different devices. Moreover, as the model gets updated, you are forced to repeat the same process for every model update. No wonder many VR/AR projects don’t go beyond the pilot stage despite the value they offer.
But… how does Google Maps work?
When you drive from Florida to California, does Google Maps crash since the map data is too large and won’t fit on your mobile? Does Google require you to break the journey into smaller chunks & then load each chunk one-by-one as you drive? No, you just set the start & destination and enjoy the drive… while in the backend, the software checks your current location, streams the map data from the server and displays on your mobile.
We are committed to solving your problems!
At Exxar, we listen to our users. Apart from being the only leading platform that supports all major XR devices, we are now changing the game by removing data size limitations for your AR/VR experience. Simply load & publish your complete BIM model using our Navisworks plugin.
… And that’s it!!! You are ready to experience the model on your favorite XR device. Simply launch Exxar app, login & select the model you want to load. Exxar will manage the rest behind the scenes. This works regardless of your device including the Quest, iPad & Hololens.
Early Access Program
We are working with select partners & giving early access to the new functionality. We would love to have you onboard. Please sign-up below and we will get back to you very soon.
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