How to Setup Exxar on the Apple iPad

Register your Exxar account

Install Exxar Huddle on the iPad

Setup Exxar Stream for your CAD/BIM software

Prep your BIM model to align it on the Jobsite in AR

How to Setup Exxar on the Apple iPad

Register your Exxar account

Install Exxar Huddle on the iPad

Setup Exxar Stream for your CAD/BIM software

Prep your BIM model to align it on the Jobsite in AR

Register your Exxar account

Your Exxar account is your gateway to the Exxar cloud services. To register your account:
  • Click Here
  • Enter your email address and hit “Request verification link”
  • Check the email from Exxar and click on the link provided
  • Specify a password of your choice and click on Create Account

Install Exxar Huddle on the iPad

Exxar Huddle is a standalone app that runs on your Apple iPad device. It allows you to login to the Exxar server and view your CAD/BIM models overlaid on the physical environment in a true-to-life scale. To install the Exxar Huddle app on the iPad:

Install the Exxar Huddle app from App Store.

Once installed, just tap on “Open” to run Exxar Huddle.

Note: on launching for first time, you need to allow permission for access to Audio and Storage on the iPad.

Setup Exxar Stream for your CAD/BIM software

Exxar Stream allows you to convert your CAD & BIM model to a VR/AR format and publishes to the Exxar Cloud server.

To install Exxar Stream:

  • Login to your Exxar account on
  • From your Exxar account portal, click on the Download button on the top bar (as shown below)
  • Download & install the Exxar_Stream_version.exe file.

Configure Stream for your CAD/BIM Software

  1. Launch Exxar Stream from Desktop Icon
  2. You can configure your CAD/BIM application by selecting your software here:

Prep your BIM model to align it on the Jobsite in AR

Congratulations! You are now ready to bring your BIM model to the Jobsite. To experience it on your iPad in 1:1 scale, please follow the instructions on this page to prep your BIM model for our One Tap AR workflow.

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