How to Align your BIM model on the Jobsite in Augmented & Mixed Reality
One Tap AR on the Jobsite!
Native apps for Apple iPad & Microsoft Hololens
Reduced complexity = Higher utilization
How to Align your BIM model on the Jobsite in Augmented & Mixed Reality
One Tap AR on the Jobsite!
Native apps for Apple iPad & Microsoft Hololens
Reduced complexity = Higher utilization
Why do your field teams struggle with Augmented Reality?
When you visit a restaurant and need to see the menu, do you need to
open a special app on your cell
search the restaurant by name &
click on the “view menu” button?
NO! You simply scan the QR code, tap on the “Open in…” button and the menu pops up right in front of you!
But in construction, why do all contemporary AR apps require you to go through so many steps just to load and align a model with the jobsite?
Ready to Scale beyond PoCs & Pilots?
I know, you can figure these steps out. But what about your foreman or superintendent? No wonder AR & MR are not really used by field teams beyond initial PoCs & pilots!
At Exxar, we are changing the game by making the AR user-experience “as seamless as possible” for your field teams.
This page shows the process of setting up your BIM model to ensure that your PMs and foremen get a seamless experience. If you haven’t setup Exxar on your iPad or Hololens, please select from the below:
Exxar Desktop runs on your Windows-based Desktop/Laptop computer. It allows you to login to the Exxar server and view your CAD/BIM models. It additionally allows you to prepare your model for field visualization in Augmented Reality by placing virtual markers on the model. Exxar automatically converts these markers to QR codes that you can print and place on the field. You can now load models and overlay them on the jobsite and visualize in 1:1 scale using devices like Apple iPad (AR) or Microsoft Hololens (MR).
Download & Install Exxar Desktop
Login to your Exxar account on
From your Exxar account portal, click on the Download button on the top bar (as shown below)
Download & install the Exxar_Huddle_version.exe file. (Note: you DO NOT need to be an administrator to install this)
Load your 3D Model on Exxar Desktop
Launch Exxar Desktop.
Login to your Exxar account.
Browse Stream list. Load 3D Model.
Place & Save Virtual Markers
Navigate to Suitable location.
Place & Name Virtual Marker.
Name & Save Session.
Download & Print QR Code on Jobsite
On saving the session, Exxar server automatically generates a unique QR code in the form of a PDF file. The PDF file can be downloaded from Exxar portal ( simply by browsing inside the model folder to Sessions sub-folders. Note that the PDF has a snapshot of the model location where to place the Virtual Marker. This helps Jobsite staff to put the QR code in the correct location.
Access & Download the QR code.
Print & Stick QR on Site
Scan QR code for One Tap AR on the iPad!
Simply open your iPad’s camera app to scan the QR code.
Tap on “Open in Exxar”
Model is fetched, loaded & aligned with the site QR
Scan QR code for One Tap MR on the Hololens!
Put on your Hololens & simply look at the QR code.
Tap on the Play Button
Model is fetched, loaded & aligned with the site QR
Having Trouble? We are here to help
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