When we speak to VDC & BIM managers, they express concern that their current VR/AR systems are not used much in their organizations. However, they still need to pay the software subscription fees for a fairly large number of users.
How Exxar Licensing Works?
When we speak to VDC & BIM managers, they express concern that their current VR/AR systems are not used much in their organizations. However, they still need to pay the software subscription fees for a fairly large number of users.
Exxar delivers an integrated XR collaboration platform that enables access to unmodified BIM models from multiple devices, notably Oculus Quest for VR, Hololens for MR or iPad for AR. We sincerely believe that the future of XR will be driven by users deriving maximum value from the BIM model through different use cases.
To put our money where our mouth is, our licensing policy is as follows:
Exxar offers a platform subscription model, similar to Zoom, that’s not locked to a device. Hence, you don’t pay additional cost for multiple devices whether VR, AR or MR. This enables you to use the same subscription to conduct model reviews on your Quest. And when you are not using the license, your jobsite team can use it for install verifications with AR on the iPad.
For business users, Exxar offers a floating or concurrent user license policy. Hence, you only pay for users actually using the product at a given point of time, as opposed to the number of users registered on our platform. For example, you could have a hundred users from your business registered on the Exxar platform. However, if you feel that usage will be low initially, you can start with a lower number of floating licenses that you find appropriate, say 5, and then scale as usage increases.
No limits on number of projects. No limit on size of model.
We believe that our licensing policy has the following advantages:
It helps VDC/BIM managers reduce cost of software subscriptions by paying for only what they use. And scale the technology as per adoption in their organizations.
It helps IT managers manage billing and licensing with a much simpler structure.
It ties the interests of Exxar and our users together by ensuring that the Exxar team focus on customer success and be accountable to our users & customers. We work hard alongside you to address any challenges in the software that limits user adoption. We make more money when you derive value from the technology and scale usage.
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