
In the earlier post, we had discussed about the first stage of constructing a power plant, i.e., design and review. We faced a lot of challenges in visualizing the design and reviewing it in Navisworks to VR software and saw how the process could be made easier with digital transformation. For more information about this, click here.

Once the project moves into commissioning stage, client approval is very important.

In most of the organizations, the final design shown to the client is in the form of 2D drawings. 67% AEC companies suffer due to the clashes which can’t be viewed in a 2D design. Furthermore, there is no way to avoid these clashes as even if all involved stakeholders are using the same platform for creating their design the lack of 1:1 scale visualization makes it impossible to identify over 70% of the clashes. Simultaneous design reviews is not possible with the current technologies adopted which makes it imminent for faulty to be approved by the client.

A 1:1, immersive view is not possible for client’s review. This leads to a lot of rework and increases the cost of project.

The Challenge in CAD to VR visualization
  • 2D drawing of the power plant makes it a tedious process and difficult to emulate in real world. The client’s challenge is to give comprehensible feedback in the model.
  • For more complex designs and complex projects in AEC which have a longer life, we need 3D view.
  • No immersive technology to showcase designs – There is no 360 degree view in the CAD software. We have to depend on whatever little can be seen in the software. 1:1 scale view is not possible. 20:1 view is the least that can be done in it.
  • Poor presentation of data – Data cannot be viewed in 3D and clashes / interference can’t be detected. Navigating across the plant and seeing the minutest components blocked by other larger components.
  • Usually, in other software, it is a time-taking process to convert a mockup into full-fledged 3D model in virtual reality environment.
  • Poor user involvement before purchase – Clients are given 2D drawings to view and approve. The drawings don’t showcase the 3D data. Issues such as clashes / interference might creep in during production.

Exxar – The one stop solution for CAD to VR visualization

Exxar, a Cad to VR Digital transformation initiative built to eliminate any and all project delays that might occur due to the issues highlighted in the above section through the following means:
1:1 scale view in Exxar CAD to VR platform allows us to directly connect the project co-ordinator, the designer and the manager in the virtual reality environment. Clashes can be removed in the model as they are viewed in their actual size and any changes in the assemblies of MEP, HVAC and designer can be seen from every direction so that they don’t occur in the later stage. This feature helps remove 99% clashes in the virtual environment. The biggest advantage is that it happens in the design stage itself. So there is no requirement of rework in the commissioning stage. This helps save a lot of time which directly translates to reduction in millions of dollars wasted due to reworks in the commission stage. Real time collaboration is possible for all stakeholders. They can all view the 3D design in its actual form So they can make changes in the model as needed. You can reduce clashes to 91% in Exxar unlike other design review software.


Mechanical Engineer with 23 yrs of experience, specializing in Design Automation, CAD Customization, AR/VR Product Development, and Channel Enablement

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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