World’s Most Scalable XR Training Platform


SOC2 Certified, SSO Support
Flexible Deployments

Field Ready

10,000+ Operators Trained
500+ Procedures Authored


Powered by Unreal Engine
Cross-Platform, No-Code

Trusted by Innovators

Barriers to technology adoption

Different platforms for
various VR, AR, MR devices

Failure to handle large CAD &
BIM models

Workflows are too complex for real world users

Poor accuracy & model
stability with AR to be

IT security &
collaboration challenges

Non-standard workflows &
data formats

Who is Exxar for?

Plant Owners &

Industrial Machinery


Exxar USPs

Integrated platform for VDC teams – VR, AR, MR, Desktop

Native XR applications – Quest app store, iOS, HL, MS

Uniform architecture for model translations

Lossless Data Ingestion – Geometry, Model Hierarchy, Metadata

Simplified workflow, industry standard data formats

Enterprise encryption, integration, OnPrem support

Virtual Training & Collaboration in VR

Virtual Training & Collaboration in VR

Work Instructions & Maintenance Kits with AR on iPad

Remote Assistance using Mixed Reality on Hololens

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)