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About Exxar

You can load complex, unlimited-size models on Oculus Quest, iPad, or desktop devices. There are no size restrictions when loading models. Here’s more information on Exxar’s caching feature saves the complete model on your iPad during the initial load. To work offline at job sites without internet, scan the QR code on your iPad before leaving. This ensures the model loads and stays cached. Here’s more information on how to use Exxar on jobsites without internet(need to take the usage instructions from Exxar iPad user guide and create new page on this).
You can load complex, unlimited-size models on Oculus Quest, iPad, or desktop devices. There are no size restrictions when loading models. Here’s more information on how Exxar works with extremely large BIM models
To align the model to the jobsite, use our unique One Tap AR feature. Just scan the QR code at the jobsite with your iPad. Effortlessly align your model to the specific job site.


You can load complex, unlimited-size models on Oculus Quest, iPad, or desktop devices. There are no size restrictions when loading models. Here’s more information on Exxar’s caching feature saves the complete model on your iPad during the initial load. To work offline at job sites without internet, scan the QR code on your iPad before leaving. This ensures the model loads and stays cached. Here’s more information on how to use Exxar on jobsites without internet(need to take the usage instructions from Exxar iPad user guide and create new page on this).
You can load complex, unlimited-size models on Oculus Quest, iPad, or desktop devices. There are no size restrictions when loading models. Here’s more information on how Exxar works with extremely large BIM models
To align the model to the jobsite, use our unique One Tap AR feature. Just scan the QR code at the jobsite with your iPad. Effortlessly align your model to the specific job site.

Augmented Reality

You can load complex, unlimited-size models on Oculus Quest, iPad, or desktop devices. There are no size restrictions when loading models. Here’s more information on Exxar’s caching feature saves the complete model on your iPad during the initial load. To work offline at job sites without internet, scan the QR code on your iPad before leaving. This ensures the model loads and stays cached. Here’s more information on how to use Exxar on jobsites without internet(need to take the usage instructions from Exxar iPad user guide and create new page on this).
You can load complex, unlimited-size models on Oculus Quest, iPad, or desktop devices. There are no size restrictions when loading models. Here’s more information on how Exxar works with extremely large BIM models
To align the model to the jobsite, use our unique One Tap AR feature. Just scan the QR code at the jobsite with your iPad. Effortlessly align your model to the specific job site.

Virtual Reality

You can load complex, unlimited-size models on Oculus Quest, iPad, or desktop devices. There are no size restrictions when loading models. Here’s more information on Exxar’s caching feature saves the complete model on your iPad during the initial load. To work offline at job sites without internet, scan the QR code on your iPad before leaving. This ensures the model loads and stays cached. Here’s more information on how to use Exxar on jobsites without internet(need to take the usage instructions from Exxar iPad user guide and create new page on this).
You can load complex, unlimited-size models on Oculus Quest, iPad, or desktop devices. There are no size restrictions when loading models. Here’s more information on how Exxar works with extremely large BIM models
To align the model to the jobsite, use our unique One Tap AR feature. Just scan the QR code at the jobsite with your iPad. Effortlessly align your model to the specific job site.

Mixed Reality

You can load complex, unlimited-size models on Oculus Quest, iPad, or desktop devices. There are no size restrictions when loading models. Here’s more information on Exxar’s caching feature saves the complete model on your iPad during the initial load. To work offline at job sites without internet, scan the QR code on your iPad before leaving. This ensures the model loads and stays cached. Here’s more information on how to use Exxar on jobsites without internet(need to take the usage instructions from Exxar iPad user guide and create new page on this).
You can load complex, unlimited-size models on Oculus Quest, iPad, or desktop devices. There are no size restrictions when loading models. Here’s more information on how Exxar works with extremely large BIM models
To align the model to the jobsite, use our unique One Tap AR feature. Just scan the QR code at the jobsite with your iPad. Effortlessly align your model to the specific job site.


Our software enables multi-device access with one license. This allows seamless use on Oculus, iPad, and HoloLens without limitations. Here’s more information on Exxar’s licensing mechanism

Our pricing is simple: a per-user fee covers both VR and AR. We offer concurrent user options for added flexibility and cost-effectiveness. Here’s more information on Exxar’s licensing mechanism

Our standard trial version is of 7 days. Once you verify your email account, your free trial starts.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)