The world's best real time CAD Collaboration and Communication platform





Our Clients

  • Exxar Huddle is a 3D Meeting Platform for Interactive & Immersive workflows. Exxar ensures business continuity for manufacturers by reducing need for travel & physical equipment for product design, training, sales & service.

  • Exxar has a Zoom-style easy-to-use workflow. Exxar replicates a physical meeting using following features that are not possible with Video conferencing solutions
    • selecting a realistic meeting environment
    • importing 3D CAD data
    • interacting with objects in real-time
  • Exxar supports desktop PCs, mobile phones & tablets as well as VR/AR devices.


Proud to be a Qualcomm XR enterprise partner

100% Money Back Guarantee

Thank you for your interest in our Products!

In order for you to derive value from our products with complete confidence, all purchases made from Exxar are backed by our 100% ironclad, money-back guarantee.

We design our products with the goal of helping you solve your visual communication challenges with world class user experience. If you feel that our products didn’t solve your problem as expected, you deserve your money-back. Simply put, if you are not 100% satisfied with our products, return it to us for a full refund of the purchase price. Simply contact our support staff anytime via live chat, email or phone and your refund will be processed immediately.

It really doesn’t get any better than that.

With hundreds of satisfied customers around the world, we are confident that our products will provide you with a faster, easier, and more enjoyable experience. So go ahead, order today and benefit from our award-winning products RISK FREE!

* Terms & Conditions 

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)