Using Extended Reality for design reviews has become mainstream. This is owing to the inherent advantages offered over desktop-based design reviews, which are in turn conducted on what is primarily a flat 2D screen. Immersive visualization of the 3D model and the ability to assess the design at a real scale are the primary reasons driving corporations to increasingly adopt extended reality for design reviews.
The ability to leverage existing 3D CAD models for review in Extended Reality has encouraged the adoption of VR to a great extent. However, the perils of using traditional XR software for viewing CAD data are many.
Data translation errors and loss of critical details during the transition from proprietary CAD to VR are some of the menaces that users have been forced to deal with since there was no other alternative.
In 2019, we introduced Exxar, a CAD to VR streaming technology that overcame all challenges associated with the CAD to VR Data migration process. Streaming proprietary 3D data formats directly into the VR environment is a game-changer in the industry. CAD data streaming is an innovative technique that circumvents the prevailing practice and avoids data loss. As a result, companies no longer have to compromise the effectiveness of design reviews. Exxar streams your CAD data with a one-click action, seamlessly into the VR environment, without the fear of loss of details and the need for any intermediate file format conversion.
But is CAD to VR data migration the only challenge that industries face? The answer to that question is a resounding ‘NO’. Yes, directly streaming CAD to VR in real time changed the game so to speak, but we are just getting started when it comes to revolutionizing the concept of Extended Reality.
Come 02-02-2020 gear up for the next big thing in Extended Reality. See how we create a revolution on top of the existing revolution created when we introduced real-time CAD to VR streaming. Check out how so-called mainstream extended reality applications fail to keep with the hype and expectations, as Users Collaboratively expect more and more. Get ready for the new revolution and join us at the launch.
Mechanical Engineer with 23 yrs of experience, specializing in Design Automation, CAD Customization, AR/VR Product Development, and Channel Enablement
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