Know about a software that prevents clashes by 99%
In our previous posts we have used the term, ‘clash’ which means all the interferences in the designing or final construction of the power plant, we will now discuss in detail about how clashes can be prevented (using CAD to VR); or how they are detected (which we would want to avoid because of the high costs involved).
While clash prevention is proactive, i.e. it is done in the earlier stage before construction, clash management is reactive, i.e, it happens during or after the construction has begun. Clash management adds to the cost and rework involved is massive. We shall see how taking CAD to VR affects the process. (in a positive way, of course!)
Clashes occur due to interferences between two different components. The stakeholders i.e., MEP, HVAC and design company send their own versions of the construction.
During the design phase, the design model manager and the likes who are involved in designing like architects are the key stakeholders in the process. The stakeholders are expected to coordinate the building, assemblies and systems. In this case, the project coordinator does the coordination work.
Clash Prevention
The workflow in Navisworks to prevent clashes:
The clashes detected in the design stage using proprietary CAD software are said to be “prevented”. But, the issue is that to remove existing clashes, new ones are created which can’t be removed in the design as they are not visible to the eyes, i.e., it can’t be prevented in the design stage.
The stakeholders should design to provide assurance that the occupiable space
needed by these building systems is adequate and that the systems can be integrated
without interfering with one another while maintaining accessibility and serviceability.
Clash Management
During the clash management phase, the stakeholders are the construction team like the contractor, the engineer, etc.
The workflow to manage clashes in Naviswork is as follows:
Start a clash test > Set rules for the test >Select required items to be included in the clash test >Produce the report of test and circulate it for reviewing and resolving the clashes.
Usually, in Navisworks platform only 30% of clashes are prevented.The rest 70% are left to be done by construction team, a process known as rework. It escalates your cost by millions and takes forever to finish.
Exxar CAD to VR clash prevention – The AEC Industry’s Elixir
Exxar CAD to VR platform resolves 99% of your clashes in the design review phase itself which means most of the interferences get removed in the design phase itself. This saves time and money and effort and improves the efficiency of the construction work. Clash management becomes obsolete with this super efficient platform.
Mechanical Engineer with 23 yrs of experience, specializing in Design Automation, CAD Customization, AR/VR Product Development, and Channel Enablement
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