Can Exxar Handle Large BIM Files?

Bottlenecks in VR/AR Adoption for Construction

When it comes to real-world construction projects, architects and engineers create massive BIM (Building Information Model) files. These detailed models help plan and visualize everything from structures to plumbing systems. But here’s the catch: modern VR/AR devices like the Oculus Quest, Hololens, and iPad have limitations. They don’t have the same memory and processing power as high-end workstations. So, what happens when you try to load these hefty BIM files onto your VR headset or AR glasses? Well, most contemporary VR/AR apps struggle. They can’t handle the sheer size of these models. Imagine trying to fit a giant puzzle piece into a tiny box—it just doesn’t work!

The Challenge: Breaking BIM Models into Smaller Chunks

To make things fit, you end up breaking your BIM model into smaller pieces. It’s like slicing that giant pizza into manageable slices. But this process isn’t easy. You have to experiment, tweak, and test different sections of the model to see what works on your device. And guess what? Each XR (Extended Reality) device—whether it’s the Oculus Quest, Hololens, or iPad—has its unique limitations. So, you repeat this puzzle-solving process for each device. And there’s more: whenever the BIM model gets updated (which happens frequently during construction), you’re back to square one. No wonder many VR/AR projects stall at the pilot stage, despite their potential value.

How Google Maps Handles Big Data?

Now, let’s take a detour to Google Maps. Ever wondered how it seamlessly guides you from Florida to California without crashing? Does it ask you to load bits of the map one by one as you drive? Nope! You simply set your start and destination points, and off you go. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, Google’s software checks your location, streams map data from its servers and displays it on your mobile screen.

Exxar: Solving Your VR/AR Problems

At Exxar, we’re on a mission to make life easier for construction professionals. We hear you loud and clear. That’s why we’ve built a platform that supports all major XR devices. But here’s the game-changer: we’re removing data size limitations. Yes, you read that right! With Exxar, you won’t have to slice and dice your BIM models anymore. Whether you’re using the Oculus Quest, iPad, or Hololens, we’ve got you covered.
Automatic Spatialization during Model Import One of the key features of Exxar is the automatic spatialization during model import. This means that when you import your BIM files into Exxar, the platform automatically optimizes the spatial data to ensure smooth navigation and interaction in the VR/AR environment. This eliminates the need for manual tweaking and testing, saving you valuable time and resources.

Intelligent Rendering based on Device Capabilities Moreover, Exxar is designed to intelligently render models based on the capabilities of the device you are using. This means that whether you are using a high-end VR headset or a mobile AR device, Exxar adjusts the rendering to provide the best possible performance and visual quality. This intelligent rendering ensures that you can explore your BIM models smoothly and efficiently, regardless of the device you are using.
So, next time you’re navigating a virtual construction site, think of Exxar as your trusty GPS. No more puzzle-solving—just smooth sailing through your BIM world!
Praveen Bhaniramka

3D & Immersive Visualization industry veteran, Author of multiple IEEE research papers, Technology consultant, Trainer & Speaker.

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