Bye Visuallive! Hello Exxar

Are you struggling with the complexities of bringing 3D models to life on the construction site with VisualLive?

Imagine this: you’re on-site, surrounded by the complex structures of a construction project. You take out your phone/iPad, open the camera, and aim it at the designated QR code. With a quick tap on the scanner, you witness the magic unfold before your eyes. In a matter of seconds, the sophisticated technology automatically fetches, loads, and seamlessly aligns the 3D models with the physical environment.

Wow! What an amazing imagination it is! Yes, the imagination has come to reality.

The convenience and time-saving capabilities offered by Exxar are truly unparalleled. Whether you’re a seasoned architect, a meticulous engineer, or a dedicated project manager, Exxar is set to become your ultimate companion in simplifying complex construction tasks.

Unlike VisualLive, our platform allows you to upload and push an entire model at once, eliminating the need to push the model in pieces. Additionally, you can include multiple QR codes as needed.

Say goodbye to the days of manual alignment struggles and welcome a new era of seamless integration with Exxar. With its user-friendly interface and rapid model alignment capabilities, Exxar is set to redefine the way we approach construction site management. Embrace the future of construction innovation with Exxar – the ultimate time-saving solution for your on-site needs.

Praveen Bhaniramka

3D & Immersive Visualization industry veteran, Author of multiple IEEE research papers, Technology consultant, Trainer & Speaker.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)