
Builders all over the world are devoid of technology that can ease their burden of doing the work in the most profitable way. Also, minimising the efforts of them and their workers has been an issue. But, we are offering some software that would not only reduce the effort but it also makes the process economical and time-saving.

Now is the time to bring digital transformation in the AEC field owing to the difficulties that they face.

Challenges for builders

Viewing the model in its actual size (1:1 scale) and navigating through it is difficult in CAD design software alone. 2D layout and dummy flats for the owners make the process inefficient. The model view is non-immersive and non – engaging in the usual software.

Clashes are a big setback as most of them are attended to only in the construction stage, which causes a lot of rework in the construction. It adds to the costs and efforts of the builders. It does not really contribute to enhancing the beauty of the building.

All the stakeholders in the building assignment are required to be present on site to make and suggest changes for errors.

Communicating the problems is difficult as you can’t add comments on the physical model for the coordinator to see.

Physical prototypes (sample flat) are too expensive to be made especially for the prospective clients.

The Solution
  • The builders can use virtual model to show the clients and ask for their feedback before the construction starts. This is a big advantage as compared to 2D drawings that are circulated to stakeholders which are difficult to even clearly understand.
  • Perform collaborative reviews across various stakeholders in 1:1 scale, ensure early detection of clashes and maintain a single version of truth. All the stakeholders can view the same model in 3D, VR environment in real time.
  • Connect directly to the design database, as design gets more complex, with enterprise grade security and bring down review iteration time, saving valuable time during approval. It completely removes the hassle of converting data to use in a 2D device like desktop and mouse.
  • Showcase the design to customers through immersive technology. Increase user engagement, make instant changes and front load all aspects of your design. One can navigate through the model and view the smallest components in 1:1 scale.
  • Collaborate with the production team with immersive technology to ensure there are no gaps and immersively monitor project stages remotely. This saves up your efforts and travelling costs by a large percentage.
  • Ensure human centric design, increase effectiveness and training engagement with immersive tools and train directly on the final approved design. There are human modules in the market that let one do the ergonomics analysis.

Exxar – The Right choice for your design review software
  • Exxar is the answer to all the builders’ nightmare. It displays the model in 3D, immersive, interactive VR environment in a few seconds in 1 click of a button.
  • You can view the image in 1:1 scale, so seeing the model in its actual size is now possible. The clashes and collisions and interferences can be viewed clearly and can be observed by the collaborators through annotation feature.
  • Builders can navigate inside the model and observe the components from close. They can observe the smallest details and correct them at the design review stage, so a lot of cost for rework is saved. It also reduces the time to market, hence available in closer time.
  • They can even give ideas to the buyers how they can do the interiors. The buyers can see what they are getting into, even before the construction has begun.
  • The builders save a lot of their costs by proper training being given at the right time so the to the workers constructing the building.
  • Stakeholders can collaborate in real time through Exxar and make changes and correct errors while inside the VR environment, viewing the building. It saves the transportation cost of the stakeholders.

Mechanical Engineer with 23 yrs of experience, specializing in Design Automation, CAD Customization, AR/VR Product Development, and Channel Enablement

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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